2023 Book of
Book of Remembrance
The BCGS 2023 Book of Remembrance represents a collection of short bios of veterans who
served in a war, conflict and action of defence. These veterans were our ancestors and relatives
who sacrificed their time and sometimes their lives for the countries they defended.
The book is divided into sections covering the British Empire, North America, World Wars One and Two,
all the way to present day. There are several feature articles highlighting personal stories.
The two-page table of contents leads you through all the different and varied features and sections.
There is a full index for you to look up your own family surnames to see who you might find! I wonder
how many members will find that they are distant relations as they recognize those family names.
If you prefer to turn the pages of a printed book, there are two copies available at the library.
For best viewing experience, after you click the button above, the book will appear on your screen. Next, click the download arrow in the top righthand corner and then open from your desktop.