BCGS Genealogical Library & Research Centre



OPEN RESEARCH DAY Sunday March 16 〰️

Join us for an Open Research Day at the BCGS Library - the largest genealogical library in Western Canada. This is an opportunity for you to access the library’s many resources - check out our map collection, the new databases on our library computers and of course, the thousands of books and journals on our shelves. We are also a Family Search Affiliate, so you can view images at our library that you may not be able to see at home.

No registration is required.

  • About

    The BCGS Genealogical Library was originally named after Walter Draycott, a past member who made a sizeable donation towards establishment of the library in the early 1990s. The Society was able to purchase the current building in 1996 and provide a permanent space for its genealogical collection which now includes over 18,000 books, magazines, maps and other printed materials and is one of the largest in the province.

    The Library houses the collection of the Vancouver Branch of the United Empire Loyalists.

    The library is affiliated with and has extended access to their records.

    The Library Editions of MyHeritage and Newspaper Archive are available.

    Five computer workstations are available for your research. Wifi is available for anyone that brings their own laptop. Two large meeting areas allow for group discussion, Special Interest Groups, and training sessions.

  • Location

    Address # 211 – 12837 76th Avenue, Surrey, BC

    Operating Hours: Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday 10AM - 3PM

    Telephone 604 502 9119

    Need assistance with your BC research? We are here to help - more information here!

    Across from the bus stop on 76th Avenue are a number of north-south facing rows of commercial units. Walk over to the middle row of the first 3 rows of units [from 128th St.], to the furthest door [north], and you will see our signage.

    If the door is locked, ring the doorbell!


  • Directions

    From New Westminster Take the Pattullo Bridge, using the 120th St. Exit. Turn left onto 76 Ave.,

    From Abbotsford Travelling West on Highway 1, Exit South at 160th or 152nd Street. Travel south to 88 Avenue and turn right (west) to King George Highway. Turn left (south) to 76 Ave. Turn right (west) to the corner of 128th Street.

    BUS DIRECTIONS Wherever you're coming from, on buses and/or Expo [King George] SkyTrain, you want to end up at the SURREY STATION & BUS LOOP.

    Head down to the ground level if you're from the SkyTrain, by stairs or elevator. Walk up the left-hand side of the long oval bus loop waiting area, to the farthest one, labelled #323. The left hand side is the side closest to the strangely shaped university building.

    You will want to get on the #323 bus. It will eventually go down 128th Street and you will get off when it turns left onto 76th Avenue.

Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps.

Know Before You Go


The Library has 4 parking spaces available for use. During the day, parking elsewhere in the complex is fully reserved and there is little street parking. There is no parking in the fire lanes. More parking is available evenings and weekends as a few businesses are closed.

notice on the dashboard is recommended and a limited number are available from the Library. 

Non-Member Fees

Visitors are welcome and will be asked to sign in at the reception desk.

A small daily fee of $5.00 is due on entry, which may be applied to a membership if taken out on the same day.

Group visits should be arranged in advance; please contact the Library Administrator.


Access to the Library by members of the Society is free.

Members are asked to sign-in with their member number.

Member-related meetings are to be scheduled through the Library Administrator.