Richmond BC
Memorials are a way for families to honour their deceased loved ones, in places that they knew and loved in life. Memorials are often in the form of benches or picnic tables, but can also be less formal structures. They are commonly seen in parks, on trails and beaches and they provide a place for everyone to stop, rest and perhaps reflect on the individual they honour.
Memorial benches can be a useful resource for genealogists, but they have a limited shelf life (most municipalities limit bench maintenance to ten years). Thankfully, sometime in the early 2000s, a group of intrepid volunteers called the Richmond Retrievers spent long hours locating and recording the memorial benches in their community. The BCGS, with the permission of the Richmond Retrievers, is pleased to publish this list.
Most of the Richmond bench inscriptions date from the 1990s – the most recent date is 2002. (Note though, that many benches were erected long after the death of the loved one.) Not all of the bench inscriptions are memorials – a few celebrate anniversaries and birthdays, and others were placed to honour people for their work or volunteer achievements.
Some benches display two plaques – in those cases, the second plaque is identified. Maiden names are cross-referenced where given. Bench locations are provided but given the 10-year lifespan of the benches, it is likely that many no longer exist.
If you have a family connection to Richmond, we hope you find something of interest in these records.