Private Researchers
A number of British Columbia Genealogical Society members will undertake research for a fee, on terms and conditions to be individually arranged.*
phone 604-991-4563 PO Box 2381, Hope, B.C. V0X 1L0
Email: cld@conniedavis.ca
Areas of interest: Genetic genealogy, coaching to assist clients to improve their research skills, impact of family history knowledge on identity, unique ways to share family history (video, stories for children), United States, (particularly Southern US states, Maine, California), transcription of historical documents (1800-1900).
LINDA YIP, Genealogy Past Presence, Member of Ancestry Advisory Board of Canadian Genealogists
Email: hello@past-presence.com
Areas of interest: Western Canada - BC, AB, SK, MB. My expertise is the history of the Chinese in Canada and government records. In addition, I live in the prairies and have traced immigrants of many origins.
J. AMY NEWMAN, Newman Research Services
Phone 604.521.3463 (604.521.FIND)
Toll free 1.877.521.3463 for callers outside the Vancouver area
Email: info@nrsfind.com
Professional genealogist since 1999. Specializing in locating missing heirs to estates across Canada and the USA and documenting rights of inheritance, notarized affidavits if required. Also experienced with adoption reunion searches and proof of Aboriginal ancestry reports.
PO Box 54604, 7155 Kingsway, Burnaby, BC Canada V5E 4J6
CELIA A. LEWIS, MA, Genealogy Consultant
Phone 604.996.7335
Email: celia.winky@gmail.com
Preferred areas: England, Scotland, New England states, also limited research in BC and Ontario. Newspaper look-ups for major BC and Ontario newspapers. Writer of two genealogy blogs: "Twigs and Trees", "Terwilliger Souvenir Album".
#3, 8747 Granville Street, Vancouver BC V6P 5A4
KIM KUJAWSKI, GFA, PLCGS, The French-Canadian Genealogist
Email: kim@tfcg.ca
Website: www.tfcg.ca
Vancouver-based professional genealogist offering services in research, translation and transcription, and photo restoration. Specializing in Canadian genealogy, as well as American and the British Isles.
SUE SULLIVAN, Graphic Genealogist - Family Ancestrees
Phone 604.510.3361
Email: graphics@familyancestrees.com
Professional Graphic Designer specializing in art for family hIstory. Artistically connecting you to your research with beautiful custom posters, books & charts that bring your history to life. Can help with research, understanding AncestryDNA results, fixing broken Ancestry trees and more.
Email: kathie@pkross.ca
Website www.pkross.ca
Preferred areas: Sweden, Norway, England, Scotland, available for British Columbia Archives (located in Victoria), transcription of historical documents (1600-1900).
DISCLAIMER: Please note that any arrangements you make with a private researcher are entirely your responsibility and the BCGS does not in any way warrant the quality or correctness of their work.
If you are a member and would like to be listed please contact info@bcgs.ca