Genealogical Research in British Columbia
Photo Courtesy of Chris Albrecht
Vital Records - Birth, Marriage and Death
Historical vital records in BC are held by BC Archives (Royal BC Museum). Indicies are available for births (1854-1903), marriages (1871-1945), deaths (1872-2000), colonial marriages (1859-1872) and baptisms (1836-1888). In some cases, the original images have been digitized and are available for free download. Images that are not available online can be obtained by attending one of several BC libraries that hold microfilm copies of the records, or you can order copies for a fee from various agencies. More detailed information is available on the BC Archives website.
In addition to birth, marriage and death records, BC Archives holds many other resources. Check out their Genealogy Research Checklist for more information.
Genealogical Groups, Museums and Archives in BC
Local museums and archives around the province hold a wealth of resources and information to assist you in your research. There are also many local genealogical and historical groups in BC that are actively engaged in preserving and learning about family and local history.
BCGS Members’ Resources
The BCGS holds many unique and valuable genealogical resources that can assist in researching your British Columbia ancestors. Some are available to our members online and others can be accessed by visiting our library in person. Members can access the in-person resources at our library for free, while non-members are also welcome, at a charge of $5 per day. Check our library catalogue and other resources from the tab at the top of the page.
Our online resources are available to our members, and include:
BC Cemeteries - a large collection of headstone recordings from more than 200 cemeteries around the province.
BC Newspaper Clippings - an indexed list of birth, marriage and death announcements from BC newspapers
BC Pioneers - an index of over 3800 people who settled in BC prior to 1900
BC Church Records - an index of births, marriages and deaths from a selection of churches in BC.
If you are a member, click here to access these resources. If you are not a member, please consider joining us! Alternatively, you can contact our BC Research service at queryrequest@bcgs.ca to request a look-up for a nominal fee.
Historical Newspapers
ProQuest has recently made freely available past issues of the Vancouver Sun (1912-2010), Vancouver Province (1894-2010) and Victoria Times Colonist 1884-2010). Access these newspapers here.
Historical newspapers from other areas of British Columbia are available at UBC Open Collections: BC Historical Newspapers.
City Directories
The Vancouver Public Library holds a large collection of historical directories from around BC. They can be accessed at BC City Directories 1860-1955.
Historical Maps
UBC hosts a variety of historical maps of BC at UBC Historical Map Collections.