One-Name Studies
Many of our members do in-depth research into a particular surname. Information is collected on the surname and the researcher may be working on many different family trees in order to compare and connect the families. If you are a member and have been working on a One Name Study, please share your findings with others.
The name Whitlock has been used as a surname since at least the 900's. Our ancestors chose the name at different times depending on their need for a surname. Some as early as the 900's, many in the 1200's and others as late as the 1800's. This website will hopefully help you learn more about your Whitlock ancestors and their journey using the name. While the name is Saxon there are descendants in Holland, Sweden, Germany and Poland in the 1300's to 1500's.
The history of the STYMIEST family surname has been an exciting 60+ year research venture. Special acknowledgements to my late father, Carlyle (Bud) William Stymiest, (New Brunswick, Canada); his brother, Donald Garfield Stymiest, (Ontario, Canada); and Cousin, Barbara Gayle Stymiest, (Ontario, Canada) for their assistance and motivation to complete this pursuit. The notes from Eldon James Stymiest (Tabusintac, Northumberland County, New Brunswick, Canada) was initial inspiration to seek-out the elusive pre-North American STYMIEST surname.