Where does all the money go?
Donations from individual members, ranging from $10 to $1000, have been an invaluable source of funds. A few years ago, the Society received a bequest of $5,000 which was used to fund the BCGS website that you are looking at now. The website provides both distant and local members with digital resources exclusively in the Members’ Area.
We are one of very few remaining societies to maintain a functioning genealogical library. 95% of our annual budget is spent on the library. These costs include maintenance, and necessities such as hydro, telephone & internet, strata fees and insurance.
Our library catalogue has grown to more than 18,000 books and periodicals. All library services are provided by the hard work of our many library volunteers, under the direction of our Library Administrator. Not one cent is given to any volunteer for their many hours of dedication.
Our largest single source of extra funds is annual donations from members who add a donation when they pay their membership fees or who donate a substantial amount annually.
Tax receipt provided with donations over $35 Registered Charity No. 118818608