British Columbia Coffee Chat
This coffee chat meets on a rotation basis on Thursday nights from 7:00pm to 9:00pm. Watch the local events calendar for dates and times. People meet online by Zoom to chat about their successes and frustrations. Sharing your experiences might help someone else in the group.
To register or for more information, contact: coffeechat@bcgs.ca
Facilitator: Janet White
& News
Please refer to the calendar on the Home Page to find the date of the next scheduled coffee chat
Courtesy of Gail Dever, Genealogy a la Carte
BC Archives Reference Room is Open for walk-ins
Click HERE for details
Books in the
BCGS Library
The following is an example of books held in the BCGS library that pertain to British Columbia. If you are looking for a particular book, check the Library Catalogue and then come for a visit. Reference Books must remain in the library but all others can be checked out by BCGS members for two weeks.
Newspapers in The Public Archives of British Columbia 1980 Editor: Public Archives of BC
Call No. 016'971.1 PABCBritish Columbia Geography Manual
British Columbia Department of Education
Call No. 971.1 PABCSteveston Recollected - A Japanese-Canadian History by MARLATT, Daphne
Call No. 971.133 MARThe Church and The Klondike Gold Rush : The Contributions of The Presbyterian Church to The Yukon During The Gold Rush, 1897 - 1910
by MILLS, Thora McIlroy
Call No. 971.21 MILQuesnel, Commercial Centre of The Cariboo Gold Rush by ELLIOTT, Gordon R.
Call No. 971.12 ELL
Important BC Websites
Each archive, museum, and genealogic society has a website that is important for your research in British Columbia. An extensive list can be found on our page “Researching in BC”. I would, also, like to draw your attention to a few:
BC Archives and Vital Statistics
http://search-collections.royalbcmuseum.bc.ca/GenealogyUBC BC HIstorical Newspaper Database
https://open.library.ubc.ca/collections/bcnewspapersResearching in BCHistorical Canadian Newspapers https://libguides.bgsu.edu/c.php?g=227443&p=1507140
https://www.bclocalnews.com/obituaries/Archives - Canada
https://www.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/search/Pages/ancestors-search.aspxArchives - Vancouver