Parental Puzzles
Coffee Chat
Parental Puzzles
No Parental Puzzles Coffee Chats are currently scheduled.
These round table discussion meetings are intended to provide encouragement and technical support for:
People using DNA research to identify their biological families
People wondering how to handle situations that involve contact with previously unknown DNA cousins.
General Resources
Genetic Genealogy is changing and growing as the science and tools evolve.
Blogs and YouTube videos will provide the most up to date information.
Well known writers and presenters in the field include:
Andy Lee / Family History Fanatics
Blaine Bettinger / The Genetic Genealogist
Diahan Southard / Your DNA Guide
Jonny Perl / DNA Painter
Leah Larkin / The DNA Geek
Michelle Leonard / Tracing Your Ancestors Using DNA
Roberta Estes / DNA Explained
& News
Please refer to the calendar on Home Page for the date of the next scheduled coffee chat.
BCGS Library Books
1.The Stranger in My Genes - A Memoir
Bill Griffeth
Call No. 921.1 GRI
2.The Foundling - The True Story of a Kidnapping, a Family Secret, and My Search for the Real Me
Paul Joseph Fronczak
Call No. 929.2 FRO
The Milkman's Son: A Memoir of Family History - a DNA Mystery - A Story of Paternal Love
by Randy Lindsey