Ireland Coffee Chat
This coffee chat meets on a rotation basis on Thursday nights from 7:00pm to 9:00pm. Watch the local events calendar for dates and times. People meet online by Zoom to chat about their successes and frustrations. Sharing your experiences might help someone else in the group. To register or for more information, contact: coffeechat@bcgs.ca
Facilitator: Eunice Robinson
The Ireland Coffee Chat covers both Northern Ireland and the southern Republic of Ireland.
For many years, Eunice Robinson has been collecting information on Ireland that helped her with her own research and could help others. She was kind enough to put this information together with an index. This index and another two on Irish marriages from 1771-1812 can be reached by clicking the buttons below.
IRELAND Genealogy Websites
General Register Office, Northern Ireland
Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI) PRONI indexes and records include will calendars and some wills (The Northern Ireland Registries of Armagh, Belfast and Londonderry, 1858-1919 and 1922-1943 with 1920--21 are being added), valuation revision books, 1912 Ulster Covenant and Declaration signatures (237,368 men, 234,046 women) and freeholders records and more. Surname search.
Irish Genealogy.ie Free resources for birth, marriage, and deaths found in both north and south General Register Offices and churches.
Presyterian HIstorical Society - Records not available elsewhere
Genealogy Links general or by county
Linen Hall Library Resources to support genealogy from ‘how to’ guides for beginners to gravestone inscriptions, military lists, passenger lists, lists of clergy, and information on surnames, place-names and street directories. Unique to the Linen Hall, are the the Blackwood Pedigrees of handwritten family trees and the Belfast News Letter Birth, Death and Marriage Index 1737-1863
Council of Irish Genealogical Organizations:
Guiness Archive preserves the historical records of the Guinness Brewery at St. James's Gate in Dublin from 1759 to the present. There is free access to everyone.
North of Ireland Family History Society
Ulster Historical Foundation (Ancestry Ireland)
Irish Lives Remembered Ireland’s premier digital genealogy magazine
Emerald Ancestors Northern Ireland and Ulster (Counties of Antrim, Armagh, Down, Fermanagh, Londonderry & Tyrone), vital events, census, some school registers. Free & membership options
Antrim Sources and Databases Bill Macafee's Family and Local History
Belfast Burial Records Belfast City Cemetery from 1869, Roselawn Cemetery from 1954, Dundonald Cemetery
Mannion Collection Includes information on some 7,500 immigrants who are identified by town, parish, townland or county of origin in Ireland. Probably five times that number of Irish immigrants, not identified by specific place of origin, are also listed.
DIPPAM Documenting Ireland Parliament, People, and Migration
Library of Ireland - Irish Name origin and meaning
Surnames https://www.gaois.ie/ga/surnames/
Article about Irish Names https://www.libraryireland.com/Names.php#name-articles
Name search
Beyond2022 - Digitizing surviving material.
Announcements & News
New PRONI videos on YouTube
Gail Dever tells us that th ePublic Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI) has added two videos in the past week to its YouTube channel that may interest family historians with ancestors from Northern Ireland. The length of the videos varies from an hour to almost two hours. The new videos are entitled:
PRONI & the Creation of ireland’s Virtual Record Treasury - Beyond 2022 PRONI: Unlocking Ulster’s Archives - Beyond 2022
The YouTube channel can be found at: https://www.youtube.com/user/PRONIonline
Books in BCGS Library
Atlantic Canada’s Irish Immigrants, a fish and timber story
Lucille H. Campey
Call No. 971’945.5 CAMIrish Halifax, The Immigrant Generation 1815-1859
Terrence M. Punch
Call No. 971.622 PUNGenealogical Atlas of Ireland
David E. Garner
Coll No. 941.5’929 AtlasSpecial Report on Surnames in Ireland
Robert E. Matheson
Call No. 941.5 MATOntario & Quebec’s Irish Pioneers, Famers, Labourers, & Lumberjacks
Lucille H. Campey
Call No 971’941.5 CAM
First Son - named after father’s father
Second Son - Mother’s father
Third Son - Father
Fourth Son - Father’s eldest brother
Fifth Son - Mother’s eldest brother
First Daughter - named after mother’s mother
Second Daughter - Father’s mother
Third Daughter - Mother
Fourth Daughter - Mother’s eldest sister
Fifth Daughter - Father’s eldest sister
Photo courtesy of Ann Buchanan
Partial Irish Census Records
Bill Macaffee’s Website has some important partial census records including by not limited to:
Database of the Census of the Congregation of Magilliagan Presbyterian Church c. 1855.
1851 Census for some Parishes and Townlands in the Barony of Kilconway, Co. Antrim.
1851 Census for some Parishises and Townlands in the Barony of Glenarm, Co. Antrim.
Names of Householders listed in the 1831 Census Returns for County Londonderry.
Database of the 1817 Census of First Ballymoney Persbyterian Church compiled by Rev Robert Park.
Names listed in th 1803 Agricultural Census for some Parishes in North Antrim.
Database of the Census of the Inhabitants of the Parish of Ballintoy taken by the Rev. Robert Traill. April 1803.