Ontario Coffee Chat
This coffee chat meets on a rotation basis on Thursday nights from 7:00pm to 9:00pm. Watch the local events calendar for dates and times. People meet online by Zoom to chat about their successes and frustrations. Sharing your experiences might help someone else in the group.
To register or for more information, contact: coffeechat@bcgs.ca
Facilitator: Janet White
& News
Please refer to the calendar on Home Page to find the date of the next scheduled coffee chat.
More schools added to free online collection of Ontario high school and university yearbooks
Kenneth R. Marks tweeted recently that he has made a “big update” of free links to online Ontario high school and university yearbooks on his website, The Ancestor Hunt.
He has added 49 Ontario schools for a new total of 126 schools.
Relevant Books in BCGS Library
The following is an example of books held in the BCGS library that pertain to Ontario. If you are looking for a particular book, check the Library Catalogue and then come for a visit. Reference Books must remain in the library but all others can be checked out by BCGS members for two weeks.
The Mennonites in Ontario
FRETZ, J Winfield
Call No. 289.7 FREMethodist Church Baptismal Records 1843-1876, Madoc Township, Hastings County, Ontario By Kingston Branch, Ontario Genealogical Society; compilers Call No. 971.358 K Br OGS
Pioneer Life Among The Loyalists in Upper Canada
Call No. 971.073 HERSims’ History of Elgin County (Ontario)
Vols. 1, 2, &3
Sims, Hugh Joffre
Call Nos. 971.334 SIM Vol. 1 A-L, Vol. 2 M-R, Vol. 3 S-YLake Erie Baron: The Story of Colonel Thomas
HAMILL, Fred Coyne
Call No. 920 HAM
Important Websites
Canadian Methodist Ministers 1800-1925
http://freepages.rootsweb.com/~methodists/genealogy/a-c.htmOntario Locator
ontariolocator/The Ontario Name Index (TONI
https://ogs.on.ca/databases/toni/Ontario & Upper Canada Gen. & History