Pioneer Registry - The Next Wave
Pioneers who came to British Columbia
before 1900 or between 1900 & 1925!
The purpose of the Pioneer Registry is to enrich the Society’s research sources and to discover who amongst our members have British Columbia pioneer ancestors.
The Pioneer Registry – the Next Wave will include those pioneers who arrived between 1900 and 1925. It is still not too late if you have ancestors who arrived before 1900—we invite members to submit this information for any family that arrived in British Columbia prior to 1925.
This time we are going “electronic”. You can submit the details of your ancestor using the form at the bottom of this page or you may print a form (download here), scan it and then email it back to us. The submission can be as short or long as you wish. Photographs and supporting documents can also be scanned and submitted via email.
Email submissions can be sent to Eunice Robinson pioneers@bcgs.ca
If you previously submitted information to the original Pioneer Registry, and you wish to update and resubmit, that would be appreciated.
Pioneer Registry - The Next Wave Submission Form