Prairies Coffee Chat
This coffee chat meets on a rotation basis on Thursday nights from 7:00pm to 9:00pm. Watch the local events calendar for dates and times. People meet online by Zoom to chat about their successes and frustrations. Sharing your experiences might help someone else in the group.
To register or for more information, contact: coffeechat@bcgs.ca
Facilitator: Judith Ueland / Eunice Robinson
& News
Please refer to the calendar on Home Page to see when the next coffee chat is scheduled.
Books in
BCGS Library
Metis Makers of History
Call No. 971’920 MACUkrainian Cultural Heritage Village - Guide
BILASH, Radmir
Call No. 971.23 BILHistorical Directory of Saskatchewan Newspapers, 1878 to 1983
MACDONALD, Christine
971.24 SAB No. 4Pioneers of Manitoba
HARVEY, Robert
Call No. 971.27 HARThe Treaties of Canada with the Indians of Manitoba and the North-West Territories, including the Negotiations on which they were based, and other information relating thereto (Prospero Canada Series)
MORRIS, Alexander
Call No. 971 MOR
Handouts & Research Aids
Many websites to assist you
with your Canadian Prairies research can be found in the following handouts.
BCGS Prairies Coffee Chat
1. Hudson’s Bay Company Archives - Western Land Records including VI and BC sales 1851
3. University of Manitoba - local histories, newspapers & more
6. MemorySask Includes Nunavut
7. Alberta Archives https://provincialarchives.alberta.ca/
8. Alberta Family Histories Society Online Cemetery database