Scandinavian Coffee Chat
BCGS is very pleased to welcome Kathie Ross as the facilitator of our Scandinavian Coffee Chat.
Sweden and Norway are among her preferred areas of research so she has been able to provide us with some new research tools.
See the links and book list, below, as well as a downloadable pdf via the “Some Other Helpful Links” button at the bottom of the page.
Prior to Covid, the BC Genealogical Society held its general member meetings the second Tuesday of each month at the Danish Lutheran Church. The church staff have been very kind and want you to know that If you have lost contact with friends or family that have immigrated to British Columbia, Canada, they would be happy to help you re-establish contact.
To register or for more information, contact: coffeechat@bcgs.ca
Facilitator: Kathie Ross
& News
Please refer to the BCGS Calendar of Events
to see when the next coffee chat is scheduled.
ArkivDigital has added the Census of Sweden 1990 index to their database. This new index, created from the 1991 tax records, has information on approximately 8.5 million people. See more information here. http://blog.arkivdigital.net/new-index-census-of-sweden-1990/
Relevant Books in the BCGS Library
The following is an example of books held in the BCGS library that pertain to Scandinavia. If you are looking for a particular book, check the Library Catalogue and then come for a visit. Reference Books must remain in the library but all others can be checked out by BCGS members for two weeks. We also have a few books available for download in our Members Only Resources.
Chronicle of the Kings of Norway, Volume 3 (1844)
LAING, Samuel
Call # 948.1 LAI V 03
Genealogical Guidebook and Atlas of Denmark (1969)
SMITH, Frank and THOMSEN, Finn A.
Call # 948.9 ATLAS SMI
Icelandic River Saga (1985)
GERRARD, Nelson S.
Call # 971.274 GER
The New Sweden : The Challenge of a Disciplined Democracy (1967)
FLEISHER, Frederic
Call # 948.5 FLE
Vuosikirja/Arsskrift 47 (2006)
Yearbook of the Genealogical Society of Finland
Suomen Sukututkimusseuran
Call # 948.97 GSF No 47 2006
Research in the Nordic Region often starts, and ends, at the national archive sites. Although many records are available at the major genealogy databases, the national archives often have the most complete set of records. Here are some quick links to the national archive sites.
Danish National Archives search https://www.sa.dk/en/services/records-registries/
Finland National Archives search https://astia.narc.fi/uusiastia/index.html
Greenland National Museum and Archive church registers search https://en.nka.gl/the-archive/using-the-archive/family-history-research/online-church-ledgers/
National Archives of Iceland census database search http://manntal.is/?lang=en
Norway National Archives digital search by person https://www.digitalarkivet.no/en/search/persons/advanced
Norway Archives digital search by source https://www.digitalarkivet.no/en/search/sources
Sweden National Archives digital research room https://sok.riksarkivet.se/digitala-forskarsalen
Quick tip: If you use Chrome you can right-click on a page to translate the page to English.